Friday, 16 August 2013

Pyschosocial block 

Week 1

Week 1 of psychosocial block was  top of the list on things to blog about in this week's column. firstly one would like to state that they are a placed at Wentworth challenge which is halfway-house basically catering for mostly high and low functioning patients to work on fixed term contracts on a weekly wages. it is comprised of 26 residential patients and commuters from the surrounding locations such as uMlazi ,Wetnworth ,Lamontville and Merebank. The venue is called a Halfway house because it is a transition between Open labour market and the sheltered workshop environment. There a two manageress on at the workshop and one in the residential facility who are responsible for the welfare of the patients and for the smooth running of the area.There are two secretaries and quite interestingly is that one of them is a resident and a patient at the facility. There is also a male a male social worker in the facility and who is very helpful i must say. He knows most of the patient a brother and sister but he has hardly spent spent two years in the facility ,showing how dedicated he is to his work.

We were allocated two patients each by our supervisor and after the orientation to the area we started straight with the assessment (This is the part I really enjoy in my fieldwork). After finishing assessment we had a chat with the supervisor as a group discussing our patients together which i think benefited all of us in terms of the experience and confidence due to exposure to different conditions.

I am so looking forward to making an impact to the facility and be a light in the people's environment as is what we stand for as Occupational therapists.


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