Friday, 30 August 2013

Are we going to experience World War 3 in our lifetime?

One may be puzzled and confused when this question is randomly asked by a person to seek clarities and their own point of view.  Not so long ago we have experience an intense revolution in the African countries where the masses turned against their government or leaders. This has led to the overthrowing of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and the president of the CAR Mr Bozizze who was overthrown by the rebels from his long term reign as president. 

  The biggest saga of all was the brutal killing of the president of Libya Comrade Gadhafi the initiator of the concept of United States of Africa. However we should not be surprised by all these revolutionary war because it is not something that started yesterday but they were boiling up years and years ago until the people gained enough confidence to stand against their masters. 

It should be noted that wars in Africa will hardly be the initiators of world war 3, why? The Western countries sponsors of the rebels that rebel against their own government so that it is easier for them to penetrate through and the ozymendious resources that our continent was blessed with by the creator , we have witnessed NATO destroying Libya into pieces in a war that lasted over two months if my facts are spot on.  The real world war 3 will be started by the west and the Middle East and the sad part is that it is coming very soon. 

The recent  gasleakages by Syrians killing over 350 people is an absolutely clear sign that we are smelling war and this time around the world will not lose a million people instead  the world will be carried more than a billion dead bodies in its shoulders.  As I am busy writing this blog I can safely tell you that the West will react to the situation as the Syrians are not ready to destroy their nuclear weapons.  President Obama and his senators are busy preparing to wage a war that could destroy the world; the ugliest thing is that innocent lives including toddlers, women and youth will be killed in the process. 

We might not be worried now as south Africans because we might say this does no effect to us ,but  the truth of the matter is that one way other  we are affected and the world should start taking a stand to prevent this slowly crippling creature coming on its shores ….. War.

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