Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Mid Term Demonstrations

Mid-Term Demonstrations- Time to revisit Chapter 8 

It is true that there is no day without it's dramas , indeed it is true. on the 09th September 2013  I had my mid term psychosocial theory and fieldwork demos  and I must say that I am so not happy with the level of performance as compared to last year the same time I felt like I have dropped to negative infinity  but thanks to a positive feedback from my supervisor now I know that I need to focus on my Smart goal /smart aim and work hard to make it as clear and to the point as possible. The only solution I have now is to revisit chapter 8.

I do not want to dwell much and give so many details about the whole demo but what I would say is that it was not one of my best performances and I was not happy about it too even though my supervisor picked up many positives from me I felt I needed to do more than what I did.

From today onwards I need to stick to my new girlfriend Chapter 8 and we need to take our relationship to the next level.

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