Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Mid Term Demonstrations

Mid-Term Demonstrations- Time to revisit Chapter 8 

It is true that there is no day without it's dramas , indeed it is true. on the 09th September 2013  I had my mid term psychosocial theory and fieldwork demos  and I must say that I am so not happy with the level of performance as compared to last year the same time I felt like I have dropped to negative infinity  but thanks to a positive feedback from my supervisor now I know that I need to focus on my Smart goal /smart aim and work hard to make it as clear and to the point as possible. The only solution I have now is to revisit chapter 8.

I do not want to dwell much and give so many details about the whole demo but what I would say is that it was not one of my best performances and I was not happy about it too even though my supervisor picked up many positives from me I felt I needed to do more than what I did.

From today onwards I need to stick to my new girlfriend Chapter 8 and we need to take our relationship to the next level.

Casual Day

Casual Day

This years casual day was held on the 6th September 2013 and the theme of the day was "Go big". As the Wentworth challenge group we held a talent show and a mini sports day that I must say we a huge success. it all started with a meeting with the residence manageress, workshop manageress and the social worker  where we discussed the ideas for the day . after deliberating and engaging with the staff we then consulted with the service users and we realised that the hyper about the Casual day was starting to loom some two weeks before the event occurred and that created some pressure for us since were the new the coupe that was about to come with something new to the venue and perhaps come with fresh ideas on how the day should go about. We took names of people that were going to partake in different activities and amongst the categories of the talent we included dancing , poetry , singing ,modelling ,comedy and magic tricks. People also listed their names for the mini sports day that was to follow after the talent show.

Today I decided to blog about casual day because I was surprised with the enormous talent that was displayed by the service users on the day and the commitment that everyone put in making sure that the day became a success. it has been almost a week after the talent show but all the pictures of that day are still coming to and I still enjoy some fun moments shared with the service users.

One lesson I learnt from the day is that as people we must never reach a conclusion of saying we understand nature and what God has in each individual and no matter how educated we might be but the day proved that we will not know all. One of the client in our group who is almost the lowest functioning and the most confused person in the group surprised us by pulling out a stunning performance in the soccer game and he ended up scoring a crucial goal which made him smile for the rest of the game which is something I have never seen in him since day one of fieldwork. this for me was an eye opener and perhaps the most amazing moment I had ever experience in my life with psychologically disabled clients. The same night after casual day I consulted my notes on Creative ability to try and understand why all of a sudden a person that hardly existed during groups suddenly became the centre of attention during the casual day but I could not get the answers.
                                        Picture above: Wentworth Crew during Casual Day- Go big or Go Home.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Mid-Terms Presentation

In this blog i would like to share my unique experience and my feelings about the mid terms presentations that that took place on the 03rd September 2013.

One thing that stood out the most was the level of professionalism and organization displayed by most if not all my colleagues during the presentation of cases. The presentations started on time and everyone showed that  they were well prepared and ready for the day.

I also feel that i am improving in terms of preparing the case presentation and making sure that i practice at least two times  the night before. I also feel i have done well with the interrelatedness of problems diagram of which is something i have been struggling with all these years. My sub program was a bit off peak but i think the style of supervisors will differ when it comes to presenting such.

I liked the way both the supervisors were giving us feedback which was so intensive and on the spot. sometimes you feel like these people have been treating your clients themselves based on the way they intergate and make sense of the case.

The last I want to mention is that it  helps to give everyone feedback and you all listening because you learn more things from each other a lot and you learn the different styles of presenting at the same time gaining confidence when presenting.